Dear Diary,
Johnny Depp is so cute....and
Peter Delouise is so funny! We wonder if there are any undercover cops at our school? Maybe Jeremy? He did transfer here from "California" last year and he has really long hair.
This pen is almost running out of ink. Lame! This one is much better. Why did we just tell you that? Why did we just tell you that too? Why did we just tell you that too too! INFINITY!
bye for now!
Anne & Sydney
The Hazzards
www.hazzards.comCome hang out with us and a bunch of pirates on a rusty boat this Tuesday night!!Tuesday, July 11thHAMstravaganza!@
The Frying PanPier 63 North River, next to Chelsea Piers at 23rd Street
7:00 - 11:00pm
FREE Admission!
With musical performances by The Hazzards, Rob Paravonian, Future Folk with John Foti and The Scurvy Pirates!From the dictionary:
HAM-stravaganza n. 1. a celebration of the time-honored affiliation of high seas piracy and delicious ham. 2. a party on a boat in NYC with pirate musicians singing folk shanties, comedians vying for the worst seamen joke award, a "walk the plank" pirate fashion show, one penny ham sheets, and a pig dressed as a pirate (or a man dressed as a pig dressed as a pirate, if we can't find an agreeable pig). 3. the launch of "Finish the Pirate Captain's Story in 'Arrrrgh 500 Words or Less" contest, winner to be published in the fourth book in Gideon Defoe's The Pirates! series (possibly called The Pirates! In an Adventure with Napoleon, but maybe not). 4. a lame excuse to dress like an idiot, drink grog and say things like "where's me booty?" all while living out some twisted Johnny Depp fantasy. 5. the source of "The Ham-Off" and "Ham Overboard" -- happenings so spectacular they cannot be defined by mere words.
PPS: We just recorded more ringtones for Comedy Central. Get psyched for "Naked Ladies", "The Mystery of the Phone", "Sports!" and so many more!!