Monday, July 26, 2004
DEAR DIARY: Babysitting is pretty cool.
Dear Diary,
We have 3 babysitting jobs coming up really soon! The good thing is that we might make almost $30!! The bad thing is that Dad's making us put most of it in our stupid savings account. Boring! Another good thing - they have so many cable channels AND awesome food. Another bad thing- last time we were there Whitaker had gross diarrhea and their Airedale ate our coat. Whatever. We're going to buy soooo much lanyard with the money we get to keep! Did we tell you that we learned how to do the barrel stitch?! It's so cinchy.
Anne & Sydney
The Hazzards
Monday, July 26th TONIGHT!
Get Up Stand Up
16 1st Ave (btwn 1st / 2nd)
East Village, NYC
8:30pm sharp
Host: Liam McEneaney (Premium Blend, Luna Lounge)
Matt Besser (Founding member Upright Citizens Brigade)
Todd Levin ( writer, The Modern Humorist, McSweenys )
Eugene Mirman (Premium Blend, Late Night w/ Conan OBrien)
Bob Powers (
Bryan Tucker (writer Tough Crowd w/ Colin Quinn, The Chris Rock Show)
Victor Vanardo (Premium Blend, and the movies End Of Days and Pluto Nash)
The Hazzards ( )
Thursday, July 29th
Fringe Benefits Comedy
Bar 169
169 E Broadway
New York, NY 10002
Phone: (212) 473-8866
F at E Broadway
Holy C! Look at all these awesome acts:
Dan Newbower
Rock A Roni
Becky Yamamoto
The Hazzards
Wednesday, August 4th
Studio 42's Studio Sessions
Parkside Lounge
Houston btwn Clinton & Attorney
Featuring our rad *full band* and best ladyband friends The Debutantes!
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Elliot In The Morning *this* morning!
We did it! We just got back from an awesome trip to D.C. We saw choppers land on the White House lawn, ate TONS of free delicious food, and hung out with Elliot on the radio this morning. He is cool! We had so much fun.
Thanks for the trip and fun times, Elliot!
Thanks for showing us around, Lisa!
Thanks for the photos, Mat!
Thanks for the hilarious Joe B. remix, Flounder!
Thanks for the DC hook up, Colin!
Thanks for the bluegrass Gay Boyfriend Cover, Carbon Leaf!
Thanks for the nice emails, friends!
(no thanks to the crazy cab driver who almost made me miss my train! That guy stunk.)
The Hazzards are huge DC101 fans.
Anne & Sydney


Sweet Sweet Casio Sk-1

La La La La

Tuesday, July 13, 2004
DEAR DIARY: Student of the Week!
Dear Diary,
Our wish came true!!! We get to read the word of the day AND the school announcements over the loud speaker this Thursday!! It's because we got voted Student of the Week...and all we had to do was bring in a few board games for the class to play because it was too hot for recess on the playground. Our word is "deciduous". It is an adjective that describes trees that lose their leaves in the fall! We've been practicing a ton.
Wish us luck on the air!
Anne & Sydney
The Hazzards
PS: Don't forget to take your retainer out!!
Thursday, 7/15
We're going to D.C. to appear LIVE on the Elliott in the Morning show! Isn't that cool?!
Tune in to hear us sing songs and hang out with Elliott! Listen to us on the radio in the DC area on DC101 and in the Richmond,VA area on 102.1 The X. If you don't live in either area, look for an MP3 of the interview in the very near future!
We've finally created Hazzards profiles on Friendster and My Space *
...and we want to be your friend!
Add us! We're nice.
* You can listen to 4 of our songs for free on My Space!
Monday, July 26th
Get Up Stand Up
16 1st Ave (btwn 1st / 2nd)
East Village, NYC
8:30 sharp
Host :
Liam McEneaney: (Premium Blend, Luna Lounge)
Matt Bessser: Founding member – “UprightCitizen’s Brigade”
Todd Levin: writer, The Modern Humorist, McSweeny’s
Eugene Mirman: Premium Blend, Late Night w/ Conan O’Brien
Bob Powers:
Bryan Tucker: writer Tough Crowd w/ Colin Quinn, The Chris Rock Show
Victor Vanardo: Premium Blend, and the movies “End Of Days” and “Pluto Nash”
The Hazzards:
Monday, July 12, 2004
It's True! We're headed for D.C.!!
We're really going to D.C.! We'll be there and on the air with Elliott later this very week! So awesome. That guy (and even the kid crapping worms on his site) is super cool.
We're so excited! I wonder which matching outfits we should wear??
See you soon, D.C. friends!
Friday, July 09, 2004
I heard a rumor that The Hazzards might be going down to Washington, DC next week to say hello. Could it be true?
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Be our friends!
The Hazzards have finally created profiles on MySpace and Friendster. Search for our email address:
Be our friends!
It'll be awesome.